BCC Community Dinner

Date(s) - 10/25/2022
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Categories No Categories
An invitation…..
It is with great joy and humble intentions that we invite you to participate in weekly dinners at the BCC. This transient and sprawling city can often feel like several small towns boxed together, with little circulation between them. Yet, we have seen there are many people in this town with similar goals and intentions to our own, many with much more time and experience being here than ourselves. Furthermore its hard to imagine adding more places to nourish ourselves and encounter friends being a bad thing. So with that, please consider attending and inviting others to these weekly dinners where we can grow a reliance between ourselves, increase collaboration, or just get a warm meal as a respite to your week.
You are welcome to bring a dish or beverage(s) to share, but you are not required. On the occasion that produce has to be bought, a pot will be passed around to pay for it or towards a fund for the following week, but no one will be turned away. Rotation of cooking duties is encouraged, there will be a sign up sheet in the kitchen for the following week. Our original intention was for a low pressure social gathering with a short time for announcing any upcoming events which folks want to share with those present. However, we encourage other ideas and initiatives as the space evolves.